Sheffield city centre has been reaccredited with a Purple Flag award for the way it manages the city centre's night-time economy.

Purple flag status is awarded by the Association of Town and Centre Management (ATCM) to towns and city centres that meet or surpass standards of excellence in managing the evening and night time economy. 

In 2012, Sheffield was the first city in Yorkshire to apply for accreditation. 

Purple flag is an internationally recognised accreditation for the management of a city centre and Sheffield has had this accreditation now for 13 years.

Businesses and partners continue to support initiatives in the city centre that add to the city’s night-time offer.

One of these initiatives is the Best Bar None Scheme which operates in licenced businesses who sign up to the scheme to help venues make sure that customers and staff feel protected. 

Other initatives include the Ask for Angela scheme which also operates in the city centre, and is supported by a night-time charter and toolkit to improve the safety of women and girls who work, visit, or socialise in the night-time economy. 

Sheffield Safe Square is another initiative that aims to support Sheffield’s nighttime economy and keep residents and visitors safe when out in the city centre. 

The Sheffield Safe Square service is based at Barker’s Pool and is made up of a Medical Treatment Unit Trailer, a privately funded ambulance, and two heated tents. This combination of facilities offers both medical and welfare assistance to anyone on a night out in Sheffield city centre.

Sheffield’s partners in the Purple Flag process includes Sheffield City Council, South Yorkshire Police, Sheffield BID, Changing Sheff and UNIGHT.