Sheffield BID, in partnership with Sheffield City Council and South Yorkshire Police, leads on Sheffield’s Best Bar None scheme, which is now in its 13th year (2024/25).  

Best Bar None is a national Home Office supported accreditation scheme recognising responsible licensing practice in line with the four core licensing objectives.

  • Venue management: assesses security measures and steps taken to reduce noise, litter and other effects the business may have.
  • Staff training and care: considers how staff are supported by the business to perform their role, develop and grow, and to protect their wellbeing.
  • Customer safety and welfare: reviews how well the venue takes care of its customers including preventing alcohol being sold to those under 18.
  • Customer service and community: recognises that businesses work hard to provide a warm welcome to their customers and the communities they are part of.

Historically, the local scheme has been open to premises operating within the city centre ring road although we are extending this to other interested premises outside of the city centre.

It culminates annually in an awards ceremony which celebrates the achievement of all of the premises.

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